The Five Love Languages 愛之語電子書 | 重點整理 | 佳句

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書名:《 愛之語:兩性溝通的雙贏策略 》/ 《 愛的五種語言 》/ The five love languages : how to express heartfelt commitment to your mate
作者:蓋瑞·巧門 Gary Demonte Chapman

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《 愛之語 》Takeaway

  • 愛永遠是一種選擇,但那也是使愛有意義的原因。
  • 了解對方主要愛的語言,然後用對方的語言去表達愛。
  • 對話是雙向的,兩人間的對話不只需要傾聽,同時也需要適度地自我表白。
  • 製造兩人相處的時間,就像你每天願意空出時間吃飯一樣,給予對方不分散的注意力。

《 愛之語 》內容


We must be willing to learn our spouse’s primary love language if we are to be effective communicators of love.

In the last scene of the human drama, only three characters will remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.


擔任兒童與青少年精神科醫師的羅斯.甘伯博士曾在演講中說:「在每一個孩子裡面,都有個『情緒的箱子(Love Tank)』等著被添滿愛。當一個孩子真正感覺到被愛,他才會正常地成長。但是,當愛箱空了的時候,這孩子就會有問題行為。 」

成年後的世界也一樣,Love tank是否被填滿,將是一段關係能否長久走下去的關鍵。但讓一個人在情緒上感覺到被愛的事物,不一定會使另一個人也有相同感覺,很多關係中出了問題的情侶,是因為用錯了愛的語言,換句話說就是代表,在你的愛裡,他不覺得安全,因此我們必須學會用他的愛的語言,來向他表達愛。

“In Love” and “Real Love”

Once we return to the real world of human choice, we choose to be kind and generous, that is real love.




「Love Language #1: Words of Affirmation 肯定的言詞

The deepest human need is the need to feel appreciated.

William James





E.g., 叫對方去減肥,你認為你是在鼓勵他、為他好,但在對方聽來,那像是一種責備、批評或是說教。They express not love but rejection.


溝通的語調與方式,在兩人的相處間也非常重要,什麼是成熟的溝通?作者這樣寫道:”You will receive what he is saying as information about his emotional feelings. You will let him tell you of his hurt, anger, and perception of events. You will seek to put yourself in his shoes and see the event through his eyes and then express softly and kindly your understanding of why he feels that way. If you have wronged him, you will be willing to confess the wrong and ask forgiveness. If your motivation is different from what he is reading, you will be able to explain your motivation kindly. You will seek understanding and reconciliation, and not to prove your own perception as the only logical way to interpret what has happened. That is mature love—love to which we aspire if we seek a growing marriage.”

以正向的詞語去提出請求,而非挖苦式的要求對方為你做些什麼 ,像是「唉,你趕快去清理那些排水槽,我看它裡面都長小樹了!」,在講出那句話的當下,你瞬間成了父母的角色,而對方則成了孩子,無形之中抹去了親密的可能性。不要忘記兩個人的關係是相互平等的,當你以請求的方式向他表示「這週末忙嗎,有沒有時間清理一下排水槽呢?」,其實本質上是在肯定對方的價值和能力請求帶著選擇,對方可以選擇成全或否決,愛永遠是一種選擇,但那也是使愛有意義的原因。

「Love Language #2: Quality Time 精心的時刻」

Quality Time 精心的時刻

精心的時刻指的是:給予對方不分散的注意力(undivided attention),兩人在一起,注視著彼此並交談,或是一起做一件事。作者:「當我全神貫注地跟妻子坐在沙發上二十分鐘,而且她也如此待我的時候,我們是把生命中的二十分鐘給了對方。我們不會再有同時刻的二十分鐘互獻生命給對方。那是愛的一種有力、情緒的傳達工具。」



Quality Conversation 精心的會話





Learning to Talk


Try to…

Quality activity 精心的活動

1. 至少你們之中一人想作這活動
2. 另一個人也願意做這活動
3. 你們兩個都知道為何要一同作活動:藉由在一起的機會來表達愛。


Try to…

Love Language #3: Receiving Gifts 接受禮物」


Try to…

Love Language #4: Acts of Service 服務的行動」




Try to…

Love Language #5: Physical Touch 身體的接觸」

身體的接觸是指:透過牽手、親吻、擁抱、手指撥弄頭髮、sexual intercourse—all of those and other “love touches”來表達愛的方式。

Love touches有很多種形式,不要堅持以自己的方式去撫摸對方,而是要去了解哪些是他喜歡的,哪些是他覺得不舒服的。另外比較含蓄的親密,像是在廚房擦身而過時,輕觸對方的身體、倒水或咖啡給對方時,把手放在他的肩頭、兩人在沙發上相互依偎著看影集、或是短短一個下車前的擁抱或親吻,這些也都是能讓對方感受到愛意的方式。而當他哭泣時,摟著他,透過擁抱來傳達你的關心,你當下說的話也許會被遺忘,但那個溫柔的撫摸與觸碰會一直被記得。



  • 你的伴侶做什麼事或者不做什麼事,傷害你最深?跟這件事相反的,可能就是你愛的語言。
  • 你最常請求你伴侶的是什麼?你最常請求的事,可能是最能使你感覺到愛的事。
  • 你通常以什麼方式向你的伴侶表示愛?你表示愛的方法,也許顯示它會使你感覺到愛。



Excerpt 摘錄

Chapter “Keeping The Love Tank Full”

  • At the heart of mankind’s existence is the desire to be intimate and to be loved by another. Marriage is designed to meet that need for intimacy and love.
  • After we come down from the high of the “in love” obsession, the emotional need for love resurfaces because it is fundamental to our nature. It is at the center of our emotional desires. We needed love before we “fell in love,” and we will need it as long as we live.
  • At the heart of mankind’s existence is the desire to be intimate and to be loved by another.

Chapter “Falling Love”

  • Our most basic emotional need is not to fall in love but to be genuinely loved by another, to know a love that grows out of reason and choice, not instinct. I need to be loved by someone who chooses to love me, who sees in me something worth loving.
  • That kind of love requires effort and discipline. It is the choice to expend energy in an effort to benefit the other person, knowing that if his or her life is enriched by your effort, you too will find a sense of satisfaction—the satisfaction of having genuinely loved another. It does not require the euphoria of the “in love” experience. In fact, true love cannot begin until the “in love” experience has run its course.
  • If love is a choice, then they have the capacity to love after the “in love” obsession has died and they have returned to the real world. That kind of love begins with an attitude—a way of thinking. Love is the attitude that says, “I am married to you, and I choose to look out for your interests.” Then the one who chooses to love will find appropriate ways to express that decision.

Chapter “Words of Affirmation”

  • The object of love is not getting something you want but doing something for the well-being of the one you love.
  • Encouragement requires empathy and seeing the world from your spouse’s perspective. We must first learn what is important to our spouse. Only then can we give encouragement. With verbal encouragement, we are trying to communicate, “I know. I care. I am with you. How can I help?” We are trying to show that we believe in him and in his abilities. We are giving credit and praise.
  • Love makes requests, not demands.
  • Your mate may choose to respond to your request or to deny it, because love is always a choice. That’s what makes it meaningful.
  • A request creates the possibility for an expression of love, whereas a demand suffocates that possibility.

Chapter “Quality Words”

  • If it is genuine quality time, will focus not on the game but on the fact that they are spending time together. What happens on the emotional level is what matters. Our spending time together in a common pursuit communicates that we care about each other, that we enjoy being with each other, that we like to do things together.
  • We must be willing to give advice but only when it is requested and never in a condescending manner.
  • Emotions themselves are neither good nor bad. They are simply our psychological responses to the events of life.
  • We make time just as we make time for lunch and dinner. Why? Because it is just as essential to our marriage as meals are to our health. Is it difficult? Does it take careful planning? Yes. Does it mean we have to give up some individual activities? Perhaps. Does it mean we do some things we don’t particularly enjoy? Certainly. Is it worth it? Without a doubt. What’s in it for me? The pleasure of living with a spouse who feels loved and knowing that I have learned to speak his or her love language fluently.

Chapter “Receiving Gifts”

  • You must be thinking of someone to give him a gift. The gift itself is a symbol of that thought.

Chapter “Love Is A Choice”

  • Meeting my wife’s need for love is a choice I make each day. If I know her primary love language and choose to speak it, her deepest emotional need will be met and she will feel secure in my love.
  • When an action doesn’t come naturally to you, it is a greater expression of love.
  • We are talking about love, and love is something you do for someone else, not something you do for yourself.
  • Most of us do many things each day that do not come “naturally” for us. For some of us, that is getting out of bed in the morning. We go against our feelings and get out of bed. Why? Because we believe there is something worthwhile to do that day. And normally, before the day is over, we feel good about having gotten up. Our actions preceded our emotions.
  • The same is true with love. We discover the primary love language of our spouse, and we choose to speak it whether or not it is natural for us. We are not claiming to have warm, excited feelings. We are simply choosing to do it for his or her benefit.

Chapter “Love Makes The Difference”

  • Love is not the answer to everything, but it creates a climate of security in which we can seek answers to those things that bother us. In the security of love, a couple can discuss differences without condemnation. Conflicts can be resolved. Two people who are different can learn to live together in harmony. We discover how to bring out the best in each other. Those are the rewards of love.
